Are producers allowed to bring their own production equipments?
Yes, producers are allowed to bring their own production equipment. However, Malaysia also has ...
FAQ - Production
The Malaysia Government introduced the “Film In Malaysia Incentive” (FIMI), a 30% cash rebate on all qualifying Malaysian Production Expenditure (QMPE)
Learn MoreFIMI is a 30% cash rebate for Qualifying Malaysian Production Expenditure.
FIMI is available for Feature Film, TV Series, Feature Animation, Animation Series & Documentary.
FIMI is available for both Malaysian and foreign production activities:
FIMI applications process for both productions activities consist of two stages:
Read our application guidelines to know more on the process to get the financial incentives for both local and foreign production.
Yes, producers are allowed to bring their own production equipment. However, Malaysia also has ...
FAQ - Production
FAQ - Domestic Application
FAQ - Foreign Application
FAQ - Production
FAQ - Foreign Application
Check the applications status from our website and get the assistance you need to successfully receive FIMI’s incentives.